We all have our favorite holiday. Several years ago, I made the realization that my favorite holiday was not Thanksgiving. It was actually the 4th of July. Independence Day. You won’t find me sporting the Stars and Stripes on my clothing, and I likely won’t even remember to wear red, white or blue. Why is… Read More »
What is a Revocable Living Trust?
One of the most common questions we get in our office is “What is the difference between a revocable living trust and a trust?”. The answer is very simple: nothing. So, what exactly is a revocable living trust? Let’s break it down. A trust is a valuable estate planning document which allows you to have… Read More »
Who Needs an Estate Plan?
It’s a common question. The answer is simple. Everyone needs an estate plan. Complexity comes from the type of estate plan that suits your needs, your family and how you want your assets distributed. An estate plan allows you to decide who you want to give a gift to upon your death, how much… Read More »